Friday, June 26, 2009

Wow! How did Niya do that!?!

I'm nursing Niya the other day and I look down and was totally surprised at what she had managed to do with her hands! She had laced them all together (every other finger, thumbs too) perfectly! I'm not sure if this was a prayer to the "Milk Gods" that there always be milk or what! We thought it was pretty cute! :)

A Big Thanks to Bob, Emily, and Etta for Girl Clothes!!!

I keep meaning to get a picture in some of the cute outfits that you sent... but time is flying by, so I thought I had better just post a picture of how we feel to be dressed like a girl (finally)!! :)

Thanks for sharing, hope we can return the favor at some point! :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Mommy and Daddy Sure Do Love Me!!!

Look how happy my Daddy is!

Mommy too!

I really do get a whole lot of love!

All this love is wearing me out!
Wake me up when they're done! :)

Auntie "C" Comes to Visit

I love my Auntie C, she makes me veeeeeery sleeeeeepy! :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bio Baby

Shortly after Niya was born we found out that she has a different blood type than I do. The result of that difference was Jaundice. In order to leave the hospital we had to do treatments for the jaundice at home. This involved a funny machine called a bilirubin blanket. This machine emits a blue light that would help her body to deal with the excess bilirubin from broken red blood cells. She had to be on the machine 24 hours a day for 3 days. The machine gets strapped around her torso and then turned on and it glowes bright blue... like a little glow worm. Here are some silly pictures of our "Bio Baby" all hooked up! 

Mommy can't pick up this "portable" machine... so we pretty much stay right here!

Don't I have a nice glow?!

How to take a nap with a "Bio Baby"

This only works with button up outfits!
Let me tell you we were pretty happy to give this thing back and to be told that she didn't need it anymore! Yippee! :)

Niya Justine

Why Niya Justine??? Niya (n-eye-uh) because we like the sound of it and the way it looks when written. It also has a simplicity that meant she probably won't shorten it or go by a nickname. In addition the meanings and attached information are all positive. Here are some of the meanings: 
-form of the Irish name Neila which means champion
-Islamic form of Niyyah meaning 'intention'/ intention to do a good deed
-One who has purpose
-Welsh for brilliance
-Ancient city on the Silk Road thought to be a crossroads for cultures to meet peacefully
-A term coined more recently for peace and cultural blending (Niya dolls and the Niya organization).

Justine (Jus-teen) because it isn't used very often and because if fit nicely with Niya. In addition it is the feminine version of Justin which means fair, upright, or just.

So... here is Niya Justine!!

Baby Blueberry has arrived at last!!!

"Baby Blueberry" is a GIRL!!!

Our first family picture...

Oh, thank goodness... babies do actually come out!!

Mommy is able to kiss her at last!

One very happy Daddy!