Friday, June 25, 2010

Niya Does the Sweetest Things...

Niya does the sweetest things! Here are a few of my favorites:

"Mama?... Mama?" she calls when she is looking for me in the apartment. She says it in this sweet little inquisitive voice, with just a hint of question/worry. Then when she finds me she smiles and says "Maamaaa!" all content and pleased with her find!

There are times when she will lift her face with her lips slightly pursed and look up at me waiting for a kiss... how could anyone not love that!

When she falls or bumps into something and it hurts she will sit there for a minute and say very low under her breath "owwwwwww" with a slight frown.

When Niya uses one finger to touch something very very gently. If she is looking at a flower or baby, or animal that she is getting to touch she will reach out ever so slowly and using just one finger give it a little stroke, barely touching it at all!

When she is given a meal and she is hungry she will look at it and say "Oooooo" with a very please expression, then as she begins to eat, "Mmmmm! Yum Yum Mmmyumm Mmmyum!" It is very rewarding to have such an appreciative eater... for even the smallest little meals.

When I'm in the kitchen making a meal, she will come in from another room or from where she was playing and she wraps both her arms around one of my legs for a big tight hug, and then I feel her little face press against my leg a few times giving me "kisses", as if to show that she was thinking of me and missed me! Sometimes she will go back to playing when she is done, and other times she will squeeze herself in between me and the cabinet where I'm working at the counter and lean against my legs... as if to be sure that if I go anywhere she will know.

Gosh I am so lucky to have such a sweet baby! I'm thankful every day! :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Although Niya's hair usually lays down more that it used to... there are still times when her hair is hilarious! I don't know how she manages to do these things in her sleep... but there are times when we get to have a pretty good laugh!! Thankfully she seems to think it is funny too! :)

Silly Hair, and silly Dadda

When my hair dries after a bath (while I'm laying down)

Crazy Cute

What happened?!?
I actually have to take some credit for this one... I put Niya's hair in a pony tail on top of her head, and when I took it out, this is what it looked like until I got it wet!

Um... she woke up this way... we have no explanation!!
Apparently (from the look on her face) is was a pretty rough party!
Thanks for letting me share a few of my favorites! :)

Things Niya Can Say

Yum Yum (when hungry or she sees food) sometimes as a statement or sometimes as a song "Yummy Yummy Meeeyum Meeyum!
Mee-ow (when she sees or wants to see the cats)
Blub Blub Blub (the sound a fish makes)
Sniff Sniff Sniff *she makes the sound with her nose and wrinkles it up* for (the sound a bunny makes)
Night Night (when going to sleep, usually when just pretending)
La La (for a stuffed gorilla)
Mowse *Mouse* (for her stuffed mouse)
No and No No
BaPa (for Grandpa Jeff)
Bloob Bloobs (for blueberries)
poop (said, usually, at diaper changes and almost always in a whisper)
Bob (for her BOB stroller)
Noodle (occasionally, at random times... usually after we have recently had noodles and she has had time to think of the word)
In (when cleaning up toys and putting them IN the boxes)
Doggie Doggie (her name for her stuffed "Soggy Doggie")
Bye Bye (usually said while waving goodbye)
Bug (for her Wheelie Bug that she rides on)

The rest of her communication is pointing and grunting, or just bringing you the thing that she wants to show you. It seems like she has a new word for us to learn daily. Sometimes they are said completely clearly, and other time, it takes some repetition and some context for us to understand her word for a particular item. It has been so fun to hear her talking! :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Time with Grandpa "BaPa" Jeff

My dad was here for an awesome visit with Niya... they had so much fun together!!! :) Here are a few pictures that we caught (these two are a couple of camera dodgers for sure)!

Story time... again!!
Big girl birthday books!
A stuffed gorilla
Checking out all the present and paper together!
I'm so glad we caught some pictures of their time together. By day two of the visit, Niya was calling Grandpa "BaPa" and they were the best of buddies!

Daddy Can Read Really Fast!

Daddy is hilarious!!!

Our Little Goofball!

Last night we finish reading books before bed, and our last book was "Bear Wants More" (which is one of the Karma Wilson books -author of Bear Snores On... which are fantastic books). In case you haven't read these, in both books the bear is asleep or falls asleep at the end. So we finish the book and Niya promptly leans her head back, closes her eyes, opens her mouth, and makes this long "Aaaaaaaaaaaw" sound... it took us both a minute (staring at her in surprise and confusion) for Daddy to figure out that she is pretending to be the SNORING BEAR!!!

It was hilarious... once we figured out what she was doing, we laughed pretty hard. If I can ever capture this on video, I will. It is super cute!!! :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

"Please stop squeaking at your tomatoes!"

Sitting at dinner...
Niya picks up a tomato piece (which she doesn't want to eat) and stabs it onto her plate "Eeeek" she says, as if killing it! Done with that victim, she moves on to the next tomato... tiny arm out-stretched like a crane, picks up the tomato off the table with all five fingers strait, swings the crane arm over the plate, and bringing the full arm down on the pointed fingers holding the new victim... "Eeeek!" she shouts victoriously!

At a loss for anything else to say (and trying not to laugh) I utter: "Please stop squeaking at your tomatoes!"

A totally ridiculous phrase in any context!

Ahhh the joys of parenting, you can sound totally insane on a daily basis! :)


Niya (age 1): [confidently] Poop!
Me: Really? I don't think so, I just changed your diaper.
Me: [checking] Nope you don't have poop! Where's the poop?
Niya (age 1): [with a rascally smile] Dada!
Me: [laughing] really?!?

Poor Dada, he got blamed and he wasn't even home!

But, really, are any of you surprised?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crazy Cute Overalls

Our wonderful friends Jake and Nilda sent Niya these crazy cute overalls for her birthday! We think she has just the personality to pull these off.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blog in progress

I am tired of the look of the old blog and am ready to change things up... so here is a new "blog in progress"!
If any of you "blogsperts" know how to set a new background (pretty picture or texture) please let me know!