Thursday, June 24, 2010

Things Niya Can Say

Yum Yum (when hungry or she sees food) sometimes as a statement or sometimes as a song "Yummy Yummy Meeeyum Meeyum!
Mee-ow (when she sees or wants to see the cats)
Blub Blub Blub (the sound a fish makes)
Sniff Sniff Sniff *she makes the sound with her nose and wrinkles it up* for (the sound a bunny makes)
Night Night (when going to sleep, usually when just pretending)
La La (for a stuffed gorilla)
Mowse *Mouse* (for her stuffed mouse)
No and No No
BaPa (for Grandpa Jeff)
Bloob Bloobs (for blueberries)
poop (said, usually, at diaper changes and almost always in a whisper)
Bob (for her BOB stroller)
Noodle (occasionally, at random times... usually after we have recently had noodles and she has had time to think of the word)
In (when cleaning up toys and putting them IN the boxes)
Doggie Doggie (her name for her stuffed "Soggy Doggie")
Bye Bye (usually said while waving goodbye)
Bug (for her Wheelie Bug that she rides on)

The rest of her communication is pointing and grunting, or just bringing you the thing that she wants to show you. It seems like she has a new word for us to learn daily. Sometimes they are said completely clearly, and other time, it takes some repetition and some context for us to understand her word for a particular item. It has been so fun to hear her talking! :)


  1. She is simply magical. And the fact that she can say "sniff" is actually super impressive. ;o)
    Auntie C loves you so much Baby Girl!

  2. Oops, I should have clarified that she just wrinkles up her nose and breaths in and out to make a sniff sniff sniff. She can't say the word yet! :)

  3. Well, seriously... that is even CUTER! Now I wanna see a video of our girl sniffing!! LOL!
