Friday, June 25, 2010

Niya Does the Sweetest Things...

Niya does the sweetest things! Here are a few of my favorites:

"Mama?... Mama?" she calls when she is looking for me in the apartment. She says it in this sweet little inquisitive voice, with just a hint of question/worry. Then when she finds me she smiles and says "Maamaaa!" all content and pleased with her find!

There are times when she will lift her face with her lips slightly pursed and look up at me waiting for a kiss... how could anyone not love that!

When she falls or bumps into something and it hurts she will sit there for a minute and say very low under her breath "owwwwwww" with a slight frown.

When Niya uses one finger to touch something very very gently. If she is looking at a flower or baby, or animal that she is getting to touch she will reach out ever so slowly and using just one finger give it a little stroke, barely touching it at all!

When she is given a meal and she is hungry she will look at it and say "Oooooo" with a very please expression, then as she begins to eat, "Mmmmm! Yum Yum Mmmyumm Mmmyum!" It is very rewarding to have such an appreciative eater... for even the smallest little meals.

When I'm in the kitchen making a meal, she will come in from another room or from where she was playing and she wraps both her arms around one of my legs for a big tight hug, and then I feel her little face press against my leg a few times giving me "kisses", as if to show that she was thinking of me and missed me! Sometimes she will go back to playing when she is done, and other times she will squeeze herself in between me and the cabinet where I'm working at the counter and lean against my legs... as if to be sure that if I go anywhere she will know.

Gosh I am so lucky to have such a sweet baby! I'm thankful every day! :)


  1. Very cool that you took the time to get those sweet, sweet moments down. She sounds lovely!

  2. She really is a precious little girl! Oh, I just love her so much!!! I love that you wrote all that stuff down!!! It will be wonderful to look back on that and remember all those little things that squeeze your heart today!

  3. Niya You are so SPECIAL! Your personality is just charming and heartwarming And grammy LOVES! to see and read all about your fun times with Mama and Daddy. I have to say it sure brings back FOND!!! memories of raising your Daddy The best time of MY Life!!! I Love You all dearly and Miss Miss Miss YOU!!!!
