Sunday, October 18, 2009

6 Years!!

Kev and I have been married 6 years today! Wow!
I am amazed when I realize how fast time has passed. We have already been together 11 years and have experienced so many wonderful things during that time together... We have literally grown up together! There have been ups and downs, births and deaths, moves, graduations, plenty of learning experiences and of course Niya!
I cannot even express all the wonderful things that have happened in the last year. Becoming parents has been such a wonderful new experience. I now love my husband in ways I never thought possible; he is the father of my child and that is such an amazing thing!
I look forward to many more fantastic years and the life experiences that will come with each of those years! :)

1 comment:

  1. I rejoice with you! We love you all so much and celebrate with you the beautiful journey of your family! You have both done incredible things, and accomplished much together, supporting one another in countless ways. But I must confess, I do think your greatest accomplishment together has been my beautiful niece! ;o) I hope you enjoyed celebrating your anniversary!
