Monday, December 6, 2010

Halloween... out of order!! :(

Niya was a Gnome for Halloween this year, she has a book with a picture of a gnome and loves to point to the gnome and smiles every time... so it seemed the perfect costume. :)
Trick-or-Treating was so much fun this year!! Niya totally got the whole idea and loved going from house to house. We went to a great neighborhood in Naugatuck and while we were driving around waiting for things to get started... Niya started to worry that we weren't actually going to go to any houses. All is quiet in the back seat and then we hear, "Candy... houses please!" in a sad little voice. We both had a good laugh because we thought maybe she had forgotten, and then found a place to park quickly with lots of reassurance that we were really going to get out of the car! :)

Here is Niya waiting to go trick-or-treating... "Dark yet?"

I think she must be thinking how much fun this all sounds by the look on her face in this one!

Gnome kisses!

Here we are... finally out of the car! It was super cold (and thankfully dry) so the coat was essential!

And we're off...
We thought we would do about 3 houses and then Niya would be totally done... but after each one she would look up at us and say with a grin, "More?" and we would go to a few more! Finally it was too dark to see, so we called it a night and went to go get some dinner. Niya got to eat M & M's in the car... she was in heaven! :)


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