Friday, February 13, 2009

Another wonderful midwife visit....

Yesterday we went to our midwife. We have checked out healthy and happy! "Blueberry" played a silly game of catch me if you can with the heart monitor... which was pretty funny! Eventually a nice strong heart beat was confirmed (one that didn't keep fading as somebody wiggled away). At the time, "Blueberry" was comfortably settled with head into mommy's left hip and butt up under the right side of my ribs. Which seemed comfortable enough until the midwife decided to feel around with her (most apologetic) very cold hands! :)  Then the games began!
We had a confirmed growth spurt this week as we are on the upper side of the growth range for this week's appointment. I guess you are supposed to measure within 3 cm of your week in pregnancy (pelvic bone to top of uterus measurement). That would explain all the sleeping and eating!!! :) And the feeling of being HUGE for about 3 days before I went back to feeling Big again. I think it takes a few days for your body and brain to get used to the new size of things. 
So, everything is growing nicely and "Blueberry" is really starting to bulk up now, about 1/4 lb a week!!!


  1. That is SO EXCITING!!! Blueberry is so lucky to have a Mommy that takes such good care of him/her already! Post a new picture of your belly growth... I bet you are already more belly than the last time. ;o)

  2. I am so excited to come visit soon and feel baby blueberry move for grammy! Growing fast NOW
