Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Maybe "Blueberry" is shy...

We had such a fun weekend with my wonderful Uncle Michael and Aunt Karen and Gramma Rhonda! And the whole time we all waited for "Blueberry" to give a few good kicks so that we could share that exciting feeling and everyone could feel the belly... but nothing!!!! Not even a few little bumps!!! NOTHING! (which isn't to say I didn't get some to my bladder or other spots that couldn't be shared)

I was sooo bummed!! 

And then, after everyone left your little gymnast bounced around the whole rest of Sunday and all day Monday. Big kicks that even impressed Daddy. 

So, is "Blueberry" shy?!? Was the lack of kicking because all the conversation was making him/her sleepy? What??? We are so puzzled and look forward to testing this on our next guest weekend. Meredith, I hope you're ready to test our theory with us!! :)

We also cannot tell if Daddy makes "Blueberry" awake and excited or is a calming presence that puts one to sleep. It seems that talking and stroking mommy is reason to wiggle around, but a hand on the belly to feel all the movement... immediately puts one to sleep! So funny! Poor Daddy he just wants to feel all the kicks too!

1 comment:

  1. My guess is that Blueberry is already just letting you know who is running the show... Our kids are great at NOT doing what we want them to do, when we want them to do it...Or, just the opposite! ;o)
