Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We are finally registered...

I just (for the most part) completed our registry at Amazon.com

Amazon seemed like the easiest place to register for all of the odds and ends that we still need and items can be shipped directly to us if that is easier. If you would like to directly support some of the smaller companies that make the products, many of their websites are listed on the blog under "websites I love". 

Of course, I will probably go and add a few things to this once the baby is born... since I didn't get to pick any of the boy or girl things off of the clothing lists. And, also pretty much only picked little clothes since the bigger clothes are more gender specific. I promise to do this in time for the actual baby party (June 27th in Portland)!

Registry is listed under Nikai Sullivan, I think it can be found under Kevin too! :)

Things are getting closer!

Wow, we have reached month 9!!! It is now time for packing suitcases, putting the car seat in the car, and the other things you actually get to do for the baby! 

Of course, there always seems to be the inevitable "hurry up and wait" that occurs. I am sure that if we hurry and do all of these things with the thinking that the impending arrival will be soon, then the baby will contentedly wait another 5 weeks to be born! :) Hmmm... maybe we should put them all off and then the baby will be tempted to surprise us with an early arrival! Gosh, I wish it worked that way! 

Our midwives say that everything is right on schedule and looks and sounds wonderful. The baby is in the correct position (although "Blueberry" seems to like to face my right hip more than to face my back). Thankfully, that is a pretty small rotation. The baby seems to be right on schedule for size and gets to pack on another 1/2 lb per week for the next few weeks! :) 

"Blueberry" seems to be quite the wiggler, moving and kicking all the time. Some of these movements are getting strong enough to almost hurt, so the baby really does seem to be getting ready for more room!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Down to a waddle...

Things are really speeding up and slowing down all at the same time. "Blueberry" is growing like crazy and getting bigger every day. We are at the packing on pounds stage (fortunately the baby, not me) and we can totally tell!! We are also at the really active stage (unfortunately the baby, not me)! ;)
The baby is moving all the time and I am moving slower and slower. Walks with daddy are pretty slow and getting uncomfortable. The skin around my ribs is really sore like it is all being pulled to the front of my body... which it is! I will post new pictures soon, as the belly is getting very impressive. 
I was just thinking about pictures, and realizing that since we have been posting the monthly pictures at the beginning of whichever month we are on... we will have to post the 9 month pictures and then plan to take a "day of delivery shot" to get the very last picture! Since I think size will change a lot! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The last big trip...

I think that Kev and I have gone on our last big trip before the baby. We went to the coast to visit my Mom and Dennis and go to my nephew Brayden's 3rd birthday party. We stopped to see my previous school kids in their classroom and the kids were so excited. It was like being a celebrity or something! Everyone wanted to know all about the baby and people came out of the woodwork to admire the belly, teachers and students alike! I really miss that place, what a great school!! Everyone was so funny, "Oh, I thought you would have had the baby already?!" I just laughed and explained that (at some times unfortunately) I am not the microwave version of pregnancy... it takes me the same amount of time as everyone else! :)

We meet with Grammy and Ronpa  (Connie & Ron) and had a great lunch with them, so nice to visit even for a short time!!

It was great to spend time with Gramma, Papa, and "Auntie S"(my Mom, Dennis and my sister Stephanie) and her family. It is so nice to have sisters that are in full-on-mommy-mode to get advice from. Brayden seemed to have the most interest in the belly (of the kids) and wanted the baby to kick him, and to know where it was going to come out... how funny! :)

So, from now until B day I think we are staying close to home since the midwives have told us that if we take any long trips after about 37 weeks (2 1/2 weeks from now) that we should also be prepared to have the baby wherever we go.... hmmm, I think we'll just stay home!! :)

Mmmm Yogurt

Yogurt is just about the best thing right now! We (Blueberry and I) like the blended kind with fruit mixed in... yum! Greek yogurt is awesome! Currently we eat about two per day, one for breakfast and one for a snack. But I have been thinking that Greek yogurt would be awfully yummy frozen in the ice cream maker, so that is what we will try next! 
Just wanted to share the latest craving. :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Superior Intelligence

Daddy has decided that "Blueberry" must be of superior intelligence because when you tap on my belly, the baby kicks back. Which clearly indicates complex thought processing in such a small person.

He is going to be such a great Daddy... he already thinks our child is brilliant!! :)

The Diaper Bag Reveal... At Last!

I made this all by my self...

Side View

Bag and rolled Changing Pad

Changing Pad

Inside View

Thanks for letting me toot my own horn, I'm pretty proud of this... Toot! Toot! :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thanks for the great shirt Grammy!!!

Special thanks to Grammy for this really cute shirt that says "Organically Grown" on it!

Here is your 8 month perspective picture...

For anyone who isn't sure what it looks like to be really pregnant... here I am, looking at where my feet used to be visible! :)

New Belly Pics... 8 months (32 weeks)

Things are getting bigger! :)

** I think I have officially started to waddle... and not just because my waistless pants are falling down! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

On the town...

"Blueberry" On the town with Mommy, Auntie C, and Grammy! 

** Correction from "out on the town" I guess I shouldn't say out yet... don't want to confuse anyone!! :)