At the beach: Asleep in the car (as I take her out, sorry to wake her up) her head pops up, wide awake, she looks around... "Oh Wow!!!" she says with complete excitement!
At dinner: "Num Num?" she asks as she waits for the food to be ready. "Yeah, we're going to eat soon." I tell her... "Ooooh!" she says. Once at the table she looks things over and states with happiness "Num! Num! Num!"
At bath time: As the water is running she is bouncing up and down with excitement... "Bath Bath!!" she is shouting with glee!
At breakfast: She surveys her cinnamon raisin bread, blackberries, and yogurt... "Mmmm" she says with a satisfied smile.
She is just happy about everything... it makes me happy just to be with her! :)