Thursday, July 15, 2010

Finally... More Teeth!!

I am compelled to write this post... After much concern and waiting, and worrying (all on my part, all needless) Niya is finally getting more of her teeth. For those of you that I confided in, you know I was concerned, I know it seems silly but she had two teeth early at 6 months, and then nothing for another six. I wasn't sure the rest were even in there! Anyway, Niya now has 7 teeth (all in the last month or so) and I finally caught them in a picture*!
*I had to throw an elephant up in the air, and as I yelled Weee and she watched it fall, I managed to capture this super excited smile! :) This is how she smiles all the time, but it is hard to catch it in a picture before she is off to do something else! :)
Gotta love that Sullivan chin right?!!


  1. What a beautiful Smile and YES! she does have that Sullivan chin LOL

  2. I think she is the sweetest little girl anyone could possibly have! I love her little, "Sullivan Chin". Papa Sully.

  3. I think she has a mass supply of fairy dust, cuz we are ALL under her magical spell!!! What a doll!!!
