Monday, March 30, 2009

Wow... Really?!?

A conversation I had with a very nice old gentleman at a daffodil show this weekend a short time after telling him that we do NOT know the gender of "Blueberry"...

Gentleman in a very matter of fact way: So, you're having a girl!
Me: Really, how do you know!?!
Gentleman a little amused and smiling at me: Well, It's not a boy!
Me: How can you be so sure? You seem pretty certain.
Gentleman: Well, I'm not wrong!
Me laughing: Oh, okay... well I guess we will know pretty soon. I'm surprised to hear you say that because most of the other people we know think it will be a boy. 
Gentleman smiling: No, it's a girl! :)

I couldn't get any reason from him for his proclamation, he just seemed to know. This guy was so sweet and so certain... It will be very interesting if he is right! :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mmmmm Snacks...

We are up again... way too early!

We must be having a growth spurt because"Blueberry" seems to feel the need for some food at about 4:30. I have noticed that once the bump is up (doing jumping jacks) then it is pretty hard to ignore and go back to sleep. In addition if I ignore for too long, then one of two things happens: 

1. I either begin to fantasize about some cereal, a banana, or a bagel, or some food object to the point that I am literally drooling and it becomes obsessive... Imagine you are in the desert and starving and then you see this food... now you get what I mean!!!


2. I get horrible heartburn that is a real reminder that somebody other than me is in control and really wants food right now!

So either way I'm laying there not sleeping!!! Aargh! Why "Blueberry" thinks that food is needed at 5 in the morning is beyond me... apparently I have a thing or two to teach this little early riser! :)

Monday, March 23, 2009


I was at the register in Safeway the other morning and the conversation went something like this:

Cashier: So, are you pregnant?
Me as if talking to a small and not so bright child: YEEEES!
Cashier: Oh, well you just never can tell these days... so congratulations! 
Me unsure if I am feeling insulted or not: Thanks

So, maybe it's just me... but should I feel insulted that I am a week away from being EIGHT months pregnant and she wasn't sure!!!!
I understand that if you are unsure it is best to say nothing! But if you are unsure is it also acceptable to ask and then tell the person that you couldn't tell?!?!! 

Kev has a few alternative responses to her question:

Cashier: So, are you pregnant?
Me: Are you blind? or maybe Dumb?

Cashier: So, are you pregnant?
Me: NO! Do I look pregnant OMG! a few tears might help in this one...

Cashier: So, are you pregnant?
Me: No,  I have this condition where I'm only obese in the front... it's really weird!

Cashier: So, are you pregnant?
Me: Heeeere's your sign! (any Jeff Foxworthy fans out there?)


"Blueberry" has the hiccups!

I am sitting here and every second or so there is a little bump... and every so often a bigger nudge like a hand or foot is thrown out.... almost like "Blueberry" is trying to say... enough already, when will these stop! 

How funny! :)


So the other day I'm walking around the house in one of Kev's T-shirts and some of his boxers (as shorts).

Kev: Hey! why are you wearing all my clothes?

Me pouting: because none of my clothes fit me anymore!

Kev: Ponders this for a moment and gives me an understanding nod. Then he stops for a second and asks quizzically... but why are you wearing my socks?!?

Me laughing sheepishly: Oh, your socks... yeah... Oops! 

I guess I figured that once I got started in his drawer why stop short of the full ensemble? 

*My mom wanted to know why this sexy outfit didn't make it into a blog picture... need I explain?

Monday, March 16, 2009

We are approved to have a baby in 7 weeks!!!??!!

On Sunday we went and toured a birth center and met with our midwife. Everything is going perfectly! "Baby Blueberry" is about 3lbs now and according to our midwife and our gestational weeks we are safe to actually give birth (without concern) in 7 more weeks!!!! Wow!

I am expecting things to happen in 10 to 11 more weeks... but it is nice to know that if things happen a little sooner, we are okay. 

Everything looks great and sounds great... heartbeat is nice and loud and strong! And, we don't have gestational diabetes!!! We had another growth spurt and we are now at 32cm at 30 weeks... so we are a little bit bigger again (we were 28cm at the 28 week appointment which is right on target) 4 whole centimeters since March 4th!!!

I am officially losing my belly button (flatter every day) and even the midwife noticed and comment that it is going smooth! :) 

"Blueberry" has been practicing being upside down and so I have finally felt a few kicks and bumps up at the top of my belly... so that is good news that everything will be in the right position for delivery.

**Pay special attention Auntie C** we may have a little piano player on our hands... I have had the funniest feeling like somebody is moving little "piano" fingers in my lower belly. Usually the fingers are low, pressed into my hip and it actually tickles. I have told Daddy a few times now that "Blueberry" is "playing the piano again"! :) I wonder if that will continue on the outside?!?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Why does the baby in the week 29 picture look like it is nervously biting its nails?? I really hope "Blueberry" isn't a nail biter! I know I'm new to this mommy thing... but I don't think there is so much concern that nail biting is necessary! :)

Of course maybe the baby is as nervous at the thought of coming out as I am about the same thought... which could prompt me to bite my nails too!! 


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I did It!!!!

I actually finished sewing the crib set for "Blueberry"!! 
Here are a few pictures for proof :)

The picture color may be a little off but the color is a nice neutral dark brown. 

I now have all the stuff to make a diaper bag... wish me luck! :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

"Blueberry" is on the move...

Last night we were sitting on the couch and for the first time we could SEE the baby moving!!!

"Blueberry" was kicking on the right side about level with my belly button and you could see the skin stick out with each kick. It was the coolest and weirdest thing I have ever experienced. 
There was a lot of moving and wiggling around last night and lots of kicks and nudges. We were also able to put one hand on the belly just below where the moving was visible ("Blueberry's" bottom??)and press gently... and you could feel the other side of the baby ("Blueberry's" head??) close to my left hip. 

It was a very clear reminder that someone is in there! (which is a little unnerving but totally awesome!) :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

To put things in perspective...

Sitting: The lap is getting smaller!!! 

Standing: Bye Bye toes!!!

New Belly Pictures!!!

More 7 month belly pictures...

A couple more pictures to show different sides!