Why does the baby in the week 29 picture look like it is nervously biting its nails?? I really hope "Blueberry" isn't a nail biter! I know I'm new to this mommy thing... but I don't think there is so much concern that nail biting is necessary! :)
Of course maybe the baby is as nervous at the thought of coming out as I am about the same thought... which could prompt me to bite my nails too!!
Hi there... I was doing a Google search for Baby Blueberry and came across your blog. I like the idea that you're referring to your bun as Blueberry, since my Etsy seller name is babyblueberry...
For some reason, I've been referring to my bun as Lentil. I'm just over 3 months pregnant and have a ways to go!
Anyway, just wanted to say hi and point on the connection! Best of luck in the next few months!
How cute! Noah is a nail biter... It cracks me up, and drives me crazy! He has bitten down a little far, and hurt himself, so he's not doing it quite as much. It just was hilarious to me to see a little two year old doing such a weird big person thing. Let's hope it ends! ;o)